package main import ( "errors" "flag" "fmt" "io/fs" "os" "os/exec" "os/user" "path" "strconv" "strings" "syscall" ) var Version = "impure" var ( ego *user.User uid int env []string command []string verbose bool runtime string runDir string ) const ( term = "TERM" home = "HOME" sudoAskPass = "SUDO_ASKPASS" xdgRuntimeDir = "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" xdgConfigHome = "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" display = "DISPLAY" pulseServer = "PULSE_SERVER" pulseCookie = "PULSE_COOKIE" // waylandDisplay = "WAYLAND_DISPLAY" ) func main() { flag.Parse() tryLauncher() copyArgs() if u, err := strconv.Atoi(ego.Uid); err != nil { // usually unreachable panic("ego uid parse") } else { uid = u } if r, ok := os.LookupEnv(xdgRuntimeDir); !ok { fatal("Env variable", xdgRuntimeDir, "unset") } else { runtime = r runDir = path.Join(runtime, "ego") } // state query command tryState() // Report warning if user home directory does not exist or has wrong ownership if stat, err := os.Stat(ego.HomeDir); err != nil { if verbose { switch { case errors.Is(err, fs.ErrPermission): fmt.Printf("User %s home directory %s is not accessible", ego.Username, ego.HomeDir) case errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist): fmt.Printf("User %s home directory %s does not exist", ego.Username, ego.HomeDir) default: fmt.Printf("Error stat user %s home directory %s: %s", ego.Username, ego.HomeDir, err) } } return } else { // FreeBSD: not cross-platform if u := strconv.Itoa(int(stat.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t).Uid)); u != ego.Uid { fmt.Printf("User %s home directory %s has incorrect ownership (expected UID %s, found %s)", ego.Username, ego.HomeDir, ego.Uid, u) } } // Add execute perm to runtime dir, e.g. `/run/user/%d` if s, err := os.Stat(runtime); err != nil { if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) { fatal("Runtime directory does not exist") } fatal("Error accessing runtime directory:", err) } else if !s.IsDir() { fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Path '%s' is not a directory", runtime)) } else { if err = aclUpdatePerm(runtime, uid, aclExecute); err != nil { fatal("Error preparing runtime dir:", err) } else { registerRevertPath(runtime) } if verbose { fmt.Printf("Runtime data dir '%s' configured\n", runtime) } } // Create runtime dir for Ego itself (e.g. `/run/user/%d/ego`) and make it readable for target if err := os.Mkdir(runDir, 0700); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrExist) { fatal("Error creating Ego runtime dir:", err) } if err := aclUpdatePerm(runDir, uid, aclExecute); err != nil { fatal("Error preparing Ego runtime dir:", err) } else { registerRevertPath(runDir) } // Add rwx permissions to Wayland socket (e.g. `/run/user/%d/wayland-0`) if w, ok := os.LookupEnv(waylandDisplay); !ok { if verbose { fmt.Println("Wayland: WAYLAND_DISPLAY not set, skipping") } } else { // add environment variable for new process env = append(env, waylandDisplay+"="+path.Join(runtime, w)) wp := path.Join(runtime, w) if err := aclUpdatePerm(wp, uid, aclRead, aclWrite, aclExecute); err != nil { fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Error preparing Wayland '%s':", w), err) } else { registerRevertPath(wp) } if verbose { fmt.Printf("Wayland socket '%s' configured\n", w) } } // Detect `DISPLAY` and grant permissions via X11 protocol `ChangeHosts` command if d, ok := os.LookupEnv(display); !ok { if verbose { fmt.Println("X11: DISPLAY not set, skipping") } } else { // add environment variable for new process env = append(env, display+"="+d) if verbose { fmt.Printf("X11: Adding XHost entry SI:localuser:%s to display '%s'\n", ego.Username, d) } if err := changeHosts(xcbHostModeInsert, xcbFamilyServerInterpreted, "localuser\x00"+ego.Username); err != nil { fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Error adding XHost entry to '%s':", d), err) } else { xcbActionComplete = true } } // Add execute permissions to PulseAudio directory (e.g. `/run/user/%d/pulse`) pulse := path.Join(runtime, "pulse") pulseS := path.Join(pulse, "native") if s, err := os.Stat(pulse); err != nil { if !errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) { fatal("Error accessing PulseAudio directory:", err) } if mustPulse { fatal("PulseAudio is unavailable") } if verbose { fmt.Printf("PulseAudio dir '%s' not found, skipping\n", pulse) } } else { // add environment variable for new process env = append(env, pulseServer+"=unix:"+pulseS) if err = aclUpdatePerm(pulse, uid, aclExecute); err != nil { fatal("Error preparing PulseAudio:", err) } else { registerRevertPath(pulse) } // Ensure permissions of PulseAudio socket `/run/user/%d/pulse/native` if s, err = os.Stat(pulseS); err != nil { if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) { fatal("PulseAudio directory found but socket does not exist") } fatal("Error accessing PulseAudio socket:", err) } else { if m := s.Mode(); m&0o006 != 0o006 { fatal(fmt.Sprintf("Unexpected permissions on '%s':", pulseS), m) } } // Publish current user's pulse-cookie for target user pulseCookieSource := discoverPulseCookie() env = append(env, pulseCookie+"="+pulseCookieSource) pulseCookieFinal := path.Join(runDir, "pulse-cookie") if verbose { fmt.Printf("Publishing PulseAudio cookie '%s' to '%s'\n", pulseCookieSource, pulseCookieFinal) } if err = copyFile(pulseCookieFinal, pulseCookieSource); err != nil { fatal("Error copying PulseAudio cookie:", err) } if err = aclUpdatePerm(pulseCookieFinal, uid, aclRead); err != nil { fatal("Error publishing PulseAudio cookie:", err) } else { registerRevertPath(pulseCookieFinal) } if verbose { fmt.Printf("PulseAudio dir '%s' configured\n", pulse) } } // pass $TERM to launcher if t, ok := os.LookupEnv(term); ok { env = append(env, term+"="+t) } f := launchBySudo m, b := false, false switch { case methodFlags[0]: // sudo case methodFlags[1]: // bare m, b = true, true default: // machinectl m, b = true, false } var toolPath string // dependency checks const sudoFallback = "Falling back to 'sudo', some desktop integration features may not work" if m { if !sdBooted() { fmt.Println("This system was not booted through systemd") fmt.Println(sudoFallback) } else if tp, ok := which("machinectl"); !ok { fmt.Println("Did not find 'machinectl' in PATH") fmt.Println(sudoFallback) } else { toolPath = tp f = func() []string { return launchByMachineCtl(b) } } } else if tp, ok := which("sudo"); !ok { fatal("Did not find 'sudo' in PATH") } else { toolPath = tp } if verbose { fmt.Printf("Selected launcher '%s' bare=%t\n", toolPath, b) } cmd := exec.Command(toolPath, f()...) cmd.Env = env cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr cmd.Dir = runDir if verbose { fmt.Println("Executing:", cmd) } if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil { fatal("Error starting process:", err) } if err := registerProcess(ego.Uid, cmd); err != nil { // process already started, shouldn't be fatal fmt.Println("Error registering process:", err) } var r int if err := cmd.Wait(); err != nil { var exitError *exec.ExitError if !errors.As(err, &exitError) { fatal("Error running process:", err) } } if verbose { fmt.Println("Process exited with exit code", r) } beforeExit() os.Exit(r) } func launchBySudo() (args []string) { args = make([]string, 0, 4+len(env)+len(command)) // -Hiu $USER args = append(args, "-Hiu", ego.Username) // -A? if _, ok := os.LookupEnv(sudoAskPass); ok { if verbose { fmt.Printf("%s set, adding askpass flag\n", sudoAskPass) } args = append(args, "-A") } // environ args = append(args, env...) // -- $@ args = append(args, "--") args = append(args, command...) return } func launchByMachineCtl(bare bool) (args []string) { args = make([]string, 0, 9+len(env)) // shell --uid=$USER args = append(args, "shell", "--uid="+ego.Username) // --quiet if !verbose { args = append(args, "--quiet") } // environ envQ := make([]string, len(env)+1) for i, e := range env { envQ[i] = "-E" + e } envQ[len(env)] = "-E" + launcherPayloadEnv() args = append(args, envQ...) // -- .host args = append(args, "--", ".host") // /bin/sh -c if sh, ok := which("sh"); !ok { fatal("Did not find 'sh' in PATH") } else { args = append(args, sh, "-c") } if len(command) == 0 { // execute shell if command is not provided command = []string{"$SHELL"} } innerCommand := strings.Builder{} if !bare { innerCommand.WriteString("dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd") for _, e := range env { innerCommand.WriteString(" " + strings.SplitN(e, "=", 2)[0]) } innerCommand.WriteString("; systemctl --user start xdg-desktop-portal-gtk; ") } if executable, err := os.Executable(); err != nil { fatal("Error reading executable path:", err) } else { innerCommand.WriteString("exec " + executable + " -V") } args = append(args, innerCommand.String()) return }