{ lib, pkgs, config, ... }: let inherit (lib) types mkOption mkEnableOption mkIf mapAttrs mapAttrsToList foldlAttrs optional optionals ; cfg = config.environment.fortify; in { options = { environment.fortify = { enable = mkEnableOption "fortify"; target = mkOption { default = { }; type = let inherit (types) str enum bool package anything submodule listOf attrsOf nullOr functionTo ; in attrsOf (submodule { options = { packages = mkOption { type = listOf package; default = [ ]; description = '' List of extra packages to install via home-manager. ''; }; launchers = mkOption { type = attrsOf (submodule { options = { id = mkOption { type = nullOr str; default = null; description = '' Freedesktop application ID. ''; }; script = mkOption { type = nullOr str; default = null; description = '' Application launch script. ''; }; command = mkOption { type = nullOr str; default = null; description = '' Command to run as the target user. Setting this to null will default command to wrapper name. Has no effect when script is set. ''; }; method = mkOption { type = enum [ "simple" "sudo" "systemd" ]; default = "systemd"; description = '' Launch method for the sandboxed program. ''; }; dbus = { session = mkOption { type = nullOr (functionTo anything); default = null; description = '' D-Bus session bus custom configuration. Setting this to null will enable built-in defaults. ''; }; system = mkOption { type = nullOr anything; default = null; description = '' D-Bus system bus custom configuration. Setting this to null will disable the system bus proxy. ''; }; }; env = mkOption { type = nullOr (attrsOf str); default = null; description = '' Environment variables to set for the initial process in the sandbox. ''; }; nix = mkEnableOption '' Whether to allow nix daemon connections from within sandbox. ''; userns = mkEnableOption '' Whether to allow userns within sandbox. ''; useRealUid = mkEnableOption '' Whether to map to fortify's real UID within the sandbox. ''; net = mkEnableOption '' Whether to allow network access within sandbox. '' // { default = true; }; gpu = mkOption { type = nullOr bool; default = null; description = '' Target process GPU and driver access. Setting this to null will enable GPU whenever X or Wayland is enabled. ''; }; dev = mkEnableOption '' Whether to allow access to all devices within sandbox. ''; extraPaths = mkOption { type = listOf anything; default = [ ]; description = '' Extra paths to make available inside the sandbox. ''; }; capability = { wayland = mkOption { type = bool; default = true; description = '' Whether to share the Wayland socket. ''; }; x11 = mkOption { type = bool; default = false; description = '' Whether to share the X11 socket and allow connection. ''; }; dbus = mkOption { type = bool; default = true; description = '' Whether to proxy D-Bus. ''; }; pulse = mkOption { type = bool; default = true; description = '' Whether to share the PulseAudio socket and cookie. ''; }; }; share = mkOption { type = nullOr package; default = null; description = '' Package containing share files. Setting this to null will default package name to wrapper name. ''; }; }; }); default = { }; }; persistence = mkOption { type = submodule { options = { directories = mkOption { type = listOf anything; default = [ ]; }; files = mkOption { type = listOf anything; default = [ ]; }; }; }; description = '' Per-user state passed to github:nix-community/impermanence. ''; }; extraConfig = mkOption { type = anything; default = { }; description = "Extra home-manager configuration."; }; }; }); }; package = mkOption { type = types.package; default = pkgs.callPackage ./package.nix { }; description = "Package providing fortify."; }; user = mkOption { type = types.str; description = "Privileged user account."; }; stateDir = mkOption { type = types.str; description = '' The path to persistent storage where per-user state should be stored. ''; }; }; }; config = mkIf cfg.enable { environment.persistence.${cfg.stateDir}.users = mapAttrs (_: target: target.persistence) cfg.target; home-manager.users = mapAttrs (_: target: target.extraConfig // { home.packages = target.packages; }) cfg.target // { ${cfg.user}.home.packages = let wrap = user: launchers: mapAttrsToList ( name: launcher: with launcher.capability; let extendDBusDefault = id: ext: { filter = true; talk = [ "org.freedesktop.Notifications" ] ++ ext.talk; own = (optionals (launcher.id != null) [ "${id}.*" "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.${id}.*" ]) ++ ext.own; call = { "org.freedesktop.portal.*" = "*"; } // ext.call; broadcast = { "org.freedesktop.portal.*" = "@/org/freedesktop/portal/*"; } // ext.broadcast; }; dbusConfig = let default = { talk = [ ]; own = [ ]; call = { }; broadcast = { }; }; in { session_bus = if launcher.dbus.session != null then (launcher.dbus.session (extendDBusDefault launcher.id)) else (extendDBusDefault launcher.id default); system_bus = launcher.dbus.system; }; command = if launcher.command == null then name else launcher.command; script = if launcher.script == null then ("exec " + command + " $@") else launcher.script; enablements = (if wayland then 1 else 0) + (if x11 then 2 else 0) + (if dbus then 4 else 0) + (if pulse then 8 else 0); conf = { inherit (launcher) id method; inherit user; command = [ (pkgs.writeScript "${name}-start" '' #!${pkgs.zsh}${pkgs.zsh.shellPath} ${script} '') ]; confinement = { sandbox = { inherit (launcher) userns net dev env ; use_real_uid = launcher.useRealUid; filesystem = [ { src = "/bin"; } { src = "/usr/bin"; } { src = "/nix/store"; } { src = "/run/current-system"; } { src = "/sys/block"; require = false; } { src = "/sys/bus"; require = false; } { src = "/sys/class"; require = false; } { src = "/sys/dev"; require = false; } { src = "/sys/devices"; require = false; } { src = "/home/${user}"; write = true; require = true; } ] ++ optionals launcher.nix [ { src = "/nix/var"; } { src = "/var/db/nix-channels"; } ] ++ optionals (if launcher.gpu != null then launcher.gpu else wayland || x11) [ { src = "/run/opengl-driver"; } { src = "/dev/dri"; dev = true; } ] ++ launcher.extraPaths; auto_etc = true; override = [ "/var/run/nscd" ]; }; inherit enablements; inherit (dbusConfig) session_bus system_bus; }; }; in pkgs.writeShellScriptBin name ( if launcher.method == "simple" then '' exec sudo -u ${user} -i ${command} $@ '' else '' exec fortify app ${pkgs.writeText "fortify-${name}.json" (builtins.toJSON conf)} $@ '' ) ) launchers; in foldlAttrs ( acc: user: target: acc ++ (foldlAttrs ( shares: name: launcher: let pkg = if launcher.share != null then launcher.share else pkgs.${name}; link = source: "[ -d '${source}' ] && ln -sv '${source}' $out/share || true"; in shares ++ optional (launcher.method != "simple" && (launcher.capability.wayland || launcher.capability.x11)) ( pkgs.runCommand "${name}-share" { } '' mkdir -p $out/share ${link "${pkg}/share/applications"} ${link "${pkg}/share/icons"} ${link "${pkg}/share/man"} '' ) ) (wrap user target.launchers) target.launchers) ) [ cfg.package ] cfg.target; }; security.polkit.extraConfig = let allowList = builtins.toJSON (mapAttrsToList (name: _: name) cfg.target); in '' polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) { if (action.id == "org.freedesktop.machine1.host-shell" && ${allowList}.indexOf(action.lookup("user")) > -1 && subject.user == "${cfg.user}") { return polkit.Result.YES; } }); ''; }; }